其它描述:《庶物异名疏》中说: �?水精出大秦国,一名黎�?�?。结晶完整的水晶晶体,就如参差交错的马齿,所以人们又叫它马牙石。先民们最早用它研磨成眼镜片,因而送它一个眼镜石的绰号。水晶有通称,也有俗称。广州一带称水晶叫晶玉,又名鱼脑冻;江苏东海县山民发现水晶会 �?窜火�?�?,于是给它起个放光石的俗名。世间一物多名,不足为奇,而像水晶拥有这么多的别称,实不多见。瞧,从水玉、水碧、白玉、玉瑛、水精石英、黎难、晶玉到菩萨石、马牙石、眼镜石、放光石、千年冰、高山冻、鱼脑冻等等,简直构成一部奇石鉴赏史。
If you wish to see how crystals are fashioned, you can perform a little project in the very personal kitchen area and find out the development of your crystals manifest with your very own eyes . This can be performed by Placing a little volume of desk salt into some common tap drinking water, hold out 24 several hours, and you'll see good cubed formations. This occurs as the h2o is evaporating, which will cause the atoms that make up the salt (the mineral) and the h2o to return closer alongside one another.
2She was wearing a strand of crystal beads.她戴着一串水晶珠子。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
Learn how the shape on the crystals figure out the various minerals into familiesMinerals crystallize In accordance with certainly one of seven motifs, often known as crystal programs.
30Three times went past, and I had been surprised to see it once more: the many openings had been sewed up by slim and white thread and they seemed just like the ice crystal on winter's branches in the north.
Q.4. Exactly what is the distinction between atomic composition and crystal framework? Ans. The main distinction between atomic framework and crystal framework lies in their definitions: atomic composition refers to how atoms are arranged in a one molecule or perhaps a cluster of molecules, While crystal structure worries the precise arrangement of atoms in a stable compound.
晶体 Silicon crystals grown in a laboratory change light into electrical Electrical power. 在实验室中长成的硅晶体可将光线转变为电能。
Orthorhombic: These are definitely rhombic prisms and dipyramids here that resemble tetragons but with no sq. cross-sections.
水精:水晶为何称为水精,《广雅》有巧解:�?水之精灵�?”;李时珍则说:�?莹洁晶光,如水之精英 ”。细加考究,此称还蕴含浓厚的宗教意味呢。水精一名,最初见于佛书,后汉支曜翻译的《具光明定意经》说:�?其所行道,色如水�?�?。
Tetragonal �?Characterised by 3 mutually perpendicular axes, two of which might be equivalent in size, when the 3rd is lengthier or shorter and perpendicular to the opposite two.